Refined Moves Tai Chi Code of Conduct

  1. We practice to refine ourselves.

  2. We never use our skill or knowledge to attack others.

  3. We always practice with focus, patience, courtesy and a calm, peaceful spirit.

  4. We respect each other; regardless of background, opinions, experience, or skill.  

  5. We come to class with open, enquiring minds. We respect and value all teaching.

  6. We always strive to leave class as better people than when we arrived.

  7. We focus on our own journey and respect others in theirs.

  8. We accept that all things change, we flow with change in us and around us.

  9. We accept who we are but acknowledge that we can learn more and do better. 

  10. We practice this code not just in class but every day outside of class. We live by this code when we interact with all others whether we like them and the situation or not.