1. About Refined Moves

  • Refined Moves brings two related and needed services to the Southern Highlands under the one banner with the aim of helping optimise well-being and health in the Highlands community. It is a mobile Physiotherapy service and a Tai Chi school. It was established in 2023 by Anthony Patruno; a physiotherapist, martial artist and Tai Chi instructor living in the Southern Highlands.

  • Creating and maintaining a healthy state of well-being, returning to your best-self after trauma or injury or simply aging/growing well are best done by seeking out someone who can set you moving on the right path and show you how to fix and maintain yourself rather than trying to find somebody to ‘fix you’.

    The path to good health and well-being is not complicated. It is within everyone’s grasp - it just takes someone to help you, to empower you, to show you the right, refined moves.

  • Anthony Patruno is the sole physiotherapist at Refined Moves. He offers a small, boutique, personalised, home-based service to clients who prefer this mode of treatment. He does this in addition to offering Tai Chi instruction to members of the Southern Highlands community at various community centres. The Refined Moves model will not allow for treating 100’s of client every week but it does allow for treating clients very well.

    Anthony Patruno is registered as a physiotherapist with AHRPA and is a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association. He has worked in Sydney as a registered physiotherapist since 1989.

  • Physiotherapy consultations are offered Monday to Friday during business hours. My Annesley clinic operates on tuesdays.

    Tai Chi classes are offered at various times (day/evening) at various locations in the Highlands.

  • Anthony has extensive experience in assessing and managing musculoskeletal problems in adults. That is, problems affecting the muscles, bones, joints, tendons and ligaments of the body. He has practiced exclusively in this area for the last 33 years in a large tertiary hospital in Sydney and has taught in this area as a clinical educator to physiotherapy students for the last 30 years. He has decades of experience in managing arthritis, rehabilitation following joint, tendon and other orthopaedic surgery, managing neck, back and peripheral joint pains, rehabilitation following fractures, joint dislocations, muscle strains and ligament sprains, managing osteoporosis and managing falls prevention.

  • At Refined Moves Anthony uses a patient-centred, evidence-based approach to his physiotherapy.

    Current scientific evidence has repeatedly shown that the only useful form of treatment for musculoskeletal conditions is active treatment. Passive treatment has been shown to be ineffective time and time again by scientific research. Anthony’s approach will have you involved in your treatment. There may be some hands-on techniques such as joint mobilisation, massage, muscle releases but in addition (and more importantly) you will be taught about your condition, why it has occurred and what you can do about it.

    You will learn how to manage and self-treat your condition with appropriate exercise and activity. Anthony’s active, patient-centred approach to treatment will both help sort out your problem and empower you with the knowledge and skill to minimise the chances of recurrence.

  • There is no scientific evidence to support the use of electrotherapy machines as a useful or effective mode of treatment. So no, as they don’t work, they are not part of his treatment approach.

    Refined Moves practices evidence-based physiotherapy. Evidence-based practice is the only effective form of treatment. It is therapy that has been validated by high quality scientific research trials.

  • Whilst these approaches may be of some benefit, they are passive approaches and have repeatedly been shown to be inferior to active (exercise-based) approaches when managing musculoskeletal problems. Passive approaches can help in the short-term but they have little capacity to help in the long-term and they certainly do not help with preventing recurrence. Anthony’s intervention aims for more than a short-term fix.

    He uses an active approach to treatment to offer the best long-term outcomes.

  • Anthony’s expertise is in adult musculoskeletal care. He does not provide the following services: paediatric, women’s health, , application of plasters or splints.

  • An initial session will involve the most important part of your treatment, a very thorough and comprehensive assessment and evaluation. This consists of me taking an extensive clinical history and then conducting a physical examination (depending on what we are assessing, you may need to undress, in which case I will provide you with a gown.) We will then discuss the problem, the issues to consider, the prognosis and outcome to expect. We will set goals together; we will collaborate and develop your management plan. I will then carry out the plan and implement effective, evidence-based interventions. To do this job properly takes time. Your initial session will take between 45 to 60 minutes.

  • We will start by evaluating the progress made up to that point. We will then reconnect with our treatment goals, adjust the program as needed and continue with implementing evidence-based treatment interventions. Follow-up sessions are generally shorter taking approximately 30 minutes.

  • Yes. Clear, effective communication is critical to a successful outcome.

    All referrers will receive a comprehensive report at the completion of the treatment course. Anthony will communicate with your referring doctor or other relevant health professionals during the treatment course as needed with your health interest in mind.

  • Your treatment is in your home and you won’t need to sit in a waiting room with others who may be unwell.

    We can wear masks if needed.

    If you have any contagious illness, like cold, flu or Covid symptoms or a rash or another ‘bug’, please call to reschedule within 24 hours.

    Patient-safety is a key focus. Covid-safe practices are diligently applied and all equipment is cleaned in between each treatment session.

  • No. I wish the answer was yes but unfortunately not. The degree of recovery that people make is almost always affected by multiple factors, and these are not always obvious.

    Some people have acute injuries that generally get better relatively quickly, others have chronic conditions that may take a longer time to resolve and may not resolve in entirety. Some people are older than others. Some have more severe damage than others. Some conditions, like acute low back pain can be fixed and cured, whereas other conditions such as knee arthritis cannot be cured but rather optimally managed - you may not have symptoms after treatment but you will still have arthritis

    Over the last 100 years physiotherapy has confidently become the gold standard for managing musculoskeletal ailments because it is both effective and evidence-based. It is very likely that you will get at least some degree of relief with physiotherapy, regardless of what your physical problem is and how severe it is.

  • There is no need to get a referral to access this service but I am happy to accept your referral if you have one.

2. Physiotherapy: process and treatment

3. Physiotherapy: booking and fees

  • Get in touch with me and we will see if your needs and my skills are a fit, and we’ll take it from there.

    Go to physiotherapy enquiry form.

  • Payment is to be finalised at the end of each treatment session through eftpos or EFT.

    If you have private health insurance you can later claim part of the session fee back as a rebate. Please check with your insurer regarding your eligibility and how much they will pay. Some clients may be eligible for partial treatment cost rebate via the Medicare Benefits Schedule (talk to your General Practitioner about eligibility for this).

  • Refined moves does not take on cases that are related to workers compensation claims, workcover, MVA 3rd party claims or any other injury insurance claim related work as I only wish to work with you and not an insurance company.

    • Long home session $200

    • Short home session $100

    • Long clinic session $160

    • Short clinic session $80

  • There may be additional travelling fees for any travel outside of the immediate town vicinity of Mittagong, Bowral, Moss Vale.

    Supply of exercise equipment such as exercise bands will incur a recovery fee.

    Eftpos usage incurs a standard 1.6% merchant service surcharge fee.

  • Yes. Your time is exclusively secured, including travel time between patients.

    So please, if you cannot keep your scheduled appointment contact me to cancel or reschedule within 24 hrs of your appointment.

    Failure to do this will unfortunately mean you will be invoiced for the session.

  • Yes you can access all my services through the NDIS as my services are Capacity Building to Improve Daily Living.

  • Tai Chi is an internal Chinese martial art. The correct full term is Tai Chi Chuan.

    It is a relatively young form of Qigong, being only about 800 years old. (Qigong is a very old health system developed in China; some say up to 4,000 years ago! )

    There are many forms of Qigong, one of which is Tai Chi, and they all generally involve meditative breathing, moving and postures/stretches that aim to facilitate the optimal flow of Chi/Qi (life force) in the body to promote health, healing and well-being.

    Tai Chi is unique amongst fitness activities. It is not a one dimensional form of exercise like Pilates, aerobics, weight-training, balance or stretch classes….Tai Chi is much broader, richer and comprehensive in its offerings. It isn’t just about the physical or body image. It is about physical, psychological and spiritual as well. It is about becoming a better human being. On a minute by minute comparison no other exercise form comes close to Tai Chi in terms of the benefits it offers. It is for the person who wants to refine their life and live more deeply and fully.

  • The main styles of Tai Chi are Yang, Chen and Wu. The original Tai Chi was Chen Style. This style is a bit more vigorous (like Shaolin Kung Fu). Today, Yang Style is the most practiced style, it evolved out of the Chen style. It is generally performed more slowly than Chen Style and the moves are not as deep in stance and athletic, so it is easier on the hips, knees and back.

  • The original Yang 108 form is practiced as developed by Master Yang Chengfu, the grandson of the founder of the Yang style, Master Yang Luchan. A shortened 37 move Yang Style form as developed by Master Cheng Man-Ching and refined by Master Huang Xingxian is also practiced.

    Various Tai Chi weapon forms and other Qigong forms are also practiced.

    My Tai Chi practice reflects my understanding of Tai Chi, my insight as a martial artist and my knowledge of safe and effective exercise as a physiotherapist.

  • Anthony has studied and instructed Japanese Jujutstu, Wing Chun Kung Fu and Toyama Ryu Kenjutsu (Japanese swordsmanship). I also have experience in Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Jin Woo Koon Kung Fu and Aikido.

  • Tai Chi has a multitude of benefits. Firstly, and foremostly general health and well-being are optimised as is immunity. There are numerous other physical, mental, and emotional benefits. On a minute by minute comparison with any other form of exercise, Tai Chi comes out in front.

    Practice will definitely:

    • improve your balance and reduce your falls risk.

    • improve your muscle strength and flexibility.

    • optimise your hip and knee arthritis management.

    • assist with restoring general body mobility and fitness after illness or trauma.

    • improve your posture.

    • improve your ability to focus and remain centred.

    • improve your happiness and ability to handle stress.

    • improve your ability to go with the flow.

    • make you calmer and happier.

    • lower your blood pressure.

    • help with osteoporosis and osteopenia.

    • facilitate recovery after orthopaedic surgery.

    • relieve back and neck pain and tension.

  • NO! Tai Chi is a great form of exercise for older people as it is gentle on the body but it is a great practice for every-body. Tai Chi practice is not just for doing because you can’t do anything else! It should be about doing practice so that you can do everything else in life BETTER! The benefits are not just physical!

  • Absolutely! Tai Chi is about mindfulness and movement. It is about knowing your body and being self-aware. It is about slowing down your thoughts, your body and is considered the ultimate moving meditation.

    It helps children ‘locate’ themselves and find focus, balance and calm.

    It teaches them about movement, flow, change and moving with it. It gets children away from the gaming devices and tv’s that distract them from themselves and it gets them moving, feeling and living.

    If we had learnt Tai Chi as children, we would be better adults today and the world might be in a better state. Teaching children Tai Chi is an investment in the future.

  • ABSOLUTELY!! Mindfulness, calm self-knowledge and confidence, understanding of change and the ability to flow with change are so critical at these often-stormy times of development.

    Especially while so much focus in our society is on external distractions away from self. Tai Chi directs us the other way, internally, to where we can find ourselves. If all is well inside, we can cope with everything and anything outside. Tai Chi is about inner evolution.

4. Tai Chi: overview and benefits

  • Refined Moves classes:

    • are small as ‘less is more’. Our classes provide more quality teaching and more quality learning

    • run for an hour, facilitated by your Tai Chi coach (Anthony)

    • grouped according to ability/age so that participants benefit from each class

    • Instruction is clear, structured, friendly and empowering.

    Progression is at your learning pace. How far you go is up to you. We can start with dipping your toe in, then having a wade in the pool, then if you wish we can dive in really deeply. It depends what you want to get from the classes.

    Techniques range from simple introductory forms and concepts to the short form, through to the long form, weapon forms and various other Qigong forms too.

  • Wear something comfortable to move in. There is no need to wear silk pyjamas. I don’t! I just wear comfortable street clothes. Tai Chi is about what you do inside, not your fashion.

    You can do it in comfortable, stable shoes or barefoot even (maybe not in Winter!)

  • You will definitely feel good at the end of each class. You will feel something has changed: relaxation, posture, focus, invigoration. The more you practice the greater this will feel but no, no magical power that enables you to throw people around without effort or fly through the air like in a Chinese martial arts movie. Maybe after 50 or 60 years of practice though… 🙂

  • Yes! I hope you will practice but not just because practice is the only way to learn a motor skill and refine it; rather that you will want to practice because you will find practice optimises your feeling of well-being and health. Tai Chi should become like stretching when you get up out of bed. You just do it because it feels great! Tai Chi/Qigong practice makes you feel alive. Qigong actually translates to “energy practice”. So, practice and live well!

  • It is up to you and depends on your circumstances and what you want to achieve.

    I am still a student and still go to classes with my teacher - as I still have much to learn (and always will).

    I hope that however long each of my students come to class they keep practicing something they learned from me for a lifetime, and it makes their lifetime better. If that happens, I am a happy, content teacher as my time and breath was well spent with that student. The encounter made the universe a better and happier place.

5. Tai Chi: about Tai Chi classes

6. Tai Chi: joining classes and fees

  • Contact me, let’s talk about and set your goals, fill in a pre-participation form and have you join a suitable class as soon as possible.

    Go to Tai Chi classes enquiry form.

  • No. I have a duty of care to all my students.

    Before you are matched to a suitable class I need to know a bit about you, your health history and your aims/goals before you join in to ensure safety and appropriateness of participation.

  • Adults $15/class

    School age children $10/class